Grade 5 Extended French Application Process for the school year 2024-2025
Any student who is eligible to attend a Dufferin-Peel Catholic school and who is presently a Grade 4 student is invited to apply for the Extended French (EF) program for Grade 5 in September 2024. The Extended French program starts in Grade 5 with 50% of the program taught in French at the elementary level. The subjects taught in French are French Language, Social Studies, Science, and one of the following subjects: Visual Art, Music, Drama or Physical Education. This program offers an excellent opportunity for becoming functionally bilingual in later years.
Applications for Grade 5 Extended French are now closed for the 2024-2025 school year.
Random selection for the Extended French program will take place the week of March 18, 2024.
Parent/guardian info sessions were held online on February 6 & 8, 2024 to provide details about the Grade 5 Extended French Application Process for students starting Grade 5 in September 2024.
Click below to view the slide deck and video recording of the info session:
Gr. 5 Extended French Information Presentation - Slides​â¶Ä‹
DPCDSB Extended French FAQs
The DPCDSB Extended French program begins in Grade 5 and is available until Grade 12. This is a regional program, and each individual Extended French site is open to students within their boundaries. Currently, the Extended French program is only offered for in-person learning. Please view the list of Extended French locations and their feeder schools in the chart below.
Elementary students should attend the Extended French School in their designated area. Please consult​ the DPCDSB boundaries map on this webpage to locate the designated Extended French school in your area.​
Holy Family
(Bolton) 61 Allan Drive Bolton - L7E 1P7 905-857-1300 BECDM Family of Schools | St. Aidan (Caledon residents) St. Cornelius St. Evan St. John the Baptist St. John Paul II St. Nicholas St. Patrick St. Rita (Caledon residents) |
St. Andrew (Orangeville) 50 Meadow Drive Orangeville – L9W 3Z1 519-942-0262
BECDM Family of Schools | St. Benedict St. Peter​ |
St. Anne
(Brampton West) 124 Vodden Street
Brampton – L6V 1M5 905-459-7621
Brampton West Family of Schools
St. Anne (Extended French Gr. 5- 8)
is temporarily accommodated at: St. Angela Merici 83 Edenbrook Hill Drive Brampton, L7A 2N7 | Guardian Angels Father C.W. Sullivan (North of Queen) Our Lady of Fatima Sacred Heart St. Aidan (Brampton residents) St. Agnes St. Angela Merici St. Bonaventure St. Cecilia St. Daniel Comboni St. Joachim St. Josephine Bakhita St. Leonard St. Lucy St. Maria Goretti St. Rita (Brampton residents) St. Stephen St. Ursula |
St. Monica (Brampton Central) 60 Sterritt Drive Brampton - L6Y 5B6 905-454-6346
Mississauga – Brampton Central Family of Schools | Our Lady of Peace Pauline Vanier St Brigid St. Joseph (Brampton residents) Bishop Francis Allen Father C.W. Sullivan (South of Queen) St. Alphonsa St. Francis Xavier St. Jacinta Marto St. Jean-Marie Vianney St. Kevin St. Mary |
St. Jean Brébeuf (Brampton Northeast) 63 Glenforest Road Brampton – L6S 1L8 905-791-8529
Brampton Northeast Family of Schools | Father Clair Tipping Father Francis McSpiritt George Vanier Good Shepherd Holy Cross Holy Spirit Lester B. Pearson Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of Providence St. Andre Bessette St. Anthony St. Isaac Jogues St. John Henry Newman St. John Bosco St. John Fisher St. Marguerite Bourgeoys St. Raphael Blessed Michael J. McGivney |
San Lorenzo Ruiz (Mississauga Central) 100 Barondale Drive Mississauga – L4Z 3R1 905-501-0400
Mississauga – Brampton Central Family of Schools | St. Hilary St. Jude St. Matthew St. Pio of Pietrelcina St. Valentine St. Veronica |
St. Christopher (Mississauga South) 1195 Clarkson Road North Mississauga – L5J 2W1 905-822-0721
Mississauga South Family of Schools | All Saints Christ the King St. Clare St. Francis of Assisi St. Helen St. Louis St. Luke St. Margaret of Scotland St. Mark |
St. Rose of Lima (Mississauga North) 4590 The Gallops Mississauga – L5M 3A9 905-828-4076
Mississauga North Family of Schools | Divine Mercy Our Lady of Good Voyage St. Bernadette St. Gregory St. Herbert St. Joseph (Streetsville) St. Raymond St. Sebastian |
St. Philip (Mississauga East) 345 Fairview Road West Mississauga – L5B 3W5 905-306-8420
Mississauga East Family of Schools | Bishop Scalabrini Corpus Christi Father Daniel Zanon Metropolitan Andrei Mary Fix St. Catherine of Siena St. David of Wales St. Gerald St. Jerome St. John XXIII |
St. Therese of Child Jesus (Mississauga North) 6930 Forest Park Drive Mississauga – L5N 6X7 905-785-0066
Mississauga North Family of Schools | Our Lady of Mercy St. Albert of Jerusalem St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Barbara St. Edith Stein St. Elizabeth Seton St. Faustina St. John of the Cross St. Julia St. Richard St. Simon Stock St. Teresa of Avila |
St. Thomas More (Mississauga East) 3270 Tomken Road Mississauga – L4Y 2Y7 905-279-6472
Mississauga East Family of Schools | Canadian Martyrs Queen of Heaven St. Alfred St. Basil St. Charles Garnier St. Dominic St. Edmund St. Teresa of Calcutta St. Timothy St. Vincent de Paul Sts. Martha & Mary Sts. Peter & Paul​ |
Boundary maps for the Extended French locations are accessible below by region:
The Extended French Program begins in Grade 5 and continues through Grade 12. The program provides students with the means to develop more advanced French skills, enabling them to communicate effectively in speech and in writing.
Transportation is currently provided for students living within the approved boundaries of an Extended French school. Please note that transportation reviews take place on a yearly basis. Please
contact STOPR for more detailed information about transportation to Extended French locations. If you live in the Dufferin area, please contact the
Wellington-Dufferin Student Transportation Services.
Entry into the Dufferin-Peel Extended French program begins in Grade 5. Students who wish to enter the Grade 5 Extended French program must be eligible to attend a Dufferin-Peel school. Currently, the Extended French program is only offered for in-person learning at designated Extended French locations.
Parents/Guardians who wish to enroll their child in an Extended French program after the Grade 5 entry point, can do so
only if:
a) Space at the Extended French School is available (in-person learning only), and;
b) The student was previously enrolled or currently enrolled in an Extended French Program,
c) ​The student can demonstrate appropriate French language proficiency​ (an assessment may be required)​.
Secondary Extended French
Secondary Extended French Locations receive students for the Elementary Extended French locations that feed into their boundaries. For a list of the elementary Extended French schools that feed into the secondary Extended French schools, please see the charts below:
Click here​ for approved Extended French Boundary map for Dufferin and Caledon.
Click here for approved Extended French Boundary map for Brampton.
Click here​ for approved Extended French Boundary map for Mississauga.
For more information about applying and registering to the Extended French Program, call 905-890-0708 ext. 24374.​​
Additional Information on Extended French